Returning to Self

I woke up in the middle of a battlefield 

I didn’t know friend or foe

Those who were supposed to be a friend turned foe and those who were foe turned friend

I wasn’t sure how I ended up on my back covered in sweat, dirt, and blood

All I knew is that I didn’t choose to be there.

I could hear screams in the distance

The screams were unrelenting 

As I started towards the screams, I met a person

She told me “I am not the one screaming. I have been wounded but not I”.

I met another person who told me “ there is a dark cloud over me but I am not screaming, not I”. 

As I got closer, the screaming got louder.

There is no one around.

 They stood silent The screams sound terrifyingly familiar

I have heard of these creams before

“Why is no one doing anything about the screaming?” I wonder

The battlefield is empty

I moved towards the screams once more.

There stood a bed, the covers were drawn.

Something was yowling beneath the blankets

I pulled back the covers and was met with a sorry sight

A girl, with a tear-streaked face, looked up at me

It was myself

The screams continue until I kneel so we are eye to eye

The screaming stops and she just stares

She is breathing heavily and wipes her nose on her sleeve

“Why are you screaming?” I ask

She looks up at me and quietly says “There is pain inside me I can’t get rid of”

Still squatting I say “I had pain inside of me too but it’s gone now”

With big eyes, she asks “How did you get rid of it?”

Looking around I say “I don’t think you can get rid of it here, let’s go somewhere else.”

She lays down again and looks at me “ I can’t walk that far, I’m too tired”

I look back at her and smile “Don’t worry, I’ll carry you”. 

She allows me to pick her up and place her on my hip.

Her head cradled against my shoulder, we set off 

Away from the battlefield, away from the bed

Eventually, we arrive at a clear lake and she goes running into the water

She comes back up and says “It’s gone”

I look back and say “ You’ll never scream again”. 

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